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D.Ed College, Sagaon

D.Ed College, Sagaon has been started in 1990 with great foresight. Our lnstiiute is run on non aid basis. The college has made pioneering efforts in providing the comprehensive education & training to the students coming particularly from the rural areas. The intake capacity of the course is 100 students per year. The college is having affiliation type of Maharashtra Raijya Shikshanik Samshodhan Prashikshan Parishad Pune.

Quality Policy

post     Provide a better Quality value proposition in terms of Education Quality, Cost and Services.

post     Enable Our Students to create a Stratagic Focus on the core working.

post     To be in the fore front of the education to satisfy the local, national & global needs.

post     To give every possible facility to students, faculities & Staff so that they can deliver the best.

post     To provide secular, deciplines, caring enviornment for all learners.

post     To devlope and maintain, state of art educational practices.

Our Branches

D.Ed College, sagaon

Shri Datt Vidyalaya, Kandur

shri P.D. Pawar Junior College, Kandur

Shri Baldas Maharaj Vidyalaya, Shirgaon

Shri Baldas Maharaj Junior College, Shirgaon

Shri Datt School of Nursing, Sagaon

Management Committee